2020 - Maelle Scan

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in Unity URP

Render in unity URP

Render in unity URP

Reaction of the shader to the light

Workflow and clean

Workflow and clean

Sculpt from clean scan

Sculpt from clean scan

Full body shape(from scan and integration into Character creator

Full body shape(from scan and integration into Character creator

This is the update of Maelle's Scan.
I set up the photoshoot and I took the pictures. Then I cleaned the result, I sculpted it and I textured it. Finally I merged everything together in Unity Universal Render Pipeline (URP).
Body and face are integrated in character creator's pipeline.

May 29, 2020